On Sunday the Argentine celebrated mothers day. In Germany mothers day is usually in May and to be honest I thought they celebrate it everywhere on the same day but now I know it better.
I don't really understand the sense of days like 'mothers day' but here they take is a bit more serious than I normally do.
We didn't do a lot on Sunday to be honest, but we ate lunch at my host mothers mum and dinner at my host fathers mum. Therefor we drove to another town about 30 minutes away from Arroyito.
We often eat at my host mothers mum on Sundays but I've only seen my other 'host grandma' the second time.
We didn't eat something special, she just ordered us food which was a bit strange for me because I don't know any grandma or granddad in Germany who would actually do that. But that's not important because I'm writing this post for another reason.
On this point I want to say thank you to my host mother for making my stay in her family really enjoyable and for treating me like I am a part of their family. I am really thankful for everything she does for me and I really appreciate it.
But this post is especially for my mum in Germany, and probably the only person who will read this post. So excuse me that the following will be in German (if there is actually another person reading).
ich bin sehr dankbar für alles was du für mich tust, auch wenn es mir manchmal schwer fällt dies zu zeigen.
Ich bin unendlich froh, dass du mich immer unterschtützt in allem was ich ich mir vornehme und in den Aufgaben die das Leben mir manchmal stellt, ich weiß das wirklich zu schätzen.
Bleib immer so wie du bist, denn so bist du wundervoll:)
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