Tuesday, 24 February 2015


It's me again!
We just got a letter from my school. It was just the "OK" that I can make my exchange year! I am so happy that everything worked out:) 
I have to "repeat" the eleventh grade (currently, I am in tenth grade). But for me it's not really repeating because I've never been in that grade (I hope you understand my logic). I am a bit sad that I won't graduate with all of my friends, but I hopefully will make new friends:) In the end I know why I am doing all this and then I know "repeating" the grade was worth it.
I am thinking about blogging in German again, I am not sure about that because I love English! But it's easier for me to express a lot of things, when I am writing German....
I could blog in both languages but I don't know if I could write everything I am saying in English:)
Tell me what you think please:)
Take care ♥


  1. I personally would like it if you could write your future post in english. Not because it's my native language, just because I also want to learn english :) My native language is german too^^

  2. Ich habe mir die Frage auch mal gestellt. An wen ist dein Blog denn hauptsächlich gerichtet? Bei meinem Blog lesen hauptsächlich Freunde und Familie mit, und einige von denen können gar kein oder nur ein bisschen englisch und deshalb bin ich dann einfach beim deutsch geblieben :D Aber wenn es dir manchmal einfacher fällt dich auf deutsch auszudrücken, hast du die Frage ja eigentlich schon beantwortet :)


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