Friday, 20 February 2015

You are amazing!!!

You are crazy!
Thank you so, so much for over 21k page views on my blog!
I am so thankful! 
My blog is really important to me and I've already spent a lot of time in writing my posts and improving my blog.
It's great to see that people actually are reading my blog.
Since the post is really short, I'd like to ask you guys a question and you could answer it in the comments and we could exchange our experiences (if we already have some).
If you are/have been/will be an exchange student, I'd like to know in which country you are/have been/want to go to?
And of course with which organization.

¡Hasta la próxima!


  1. The Classic :) USA. I want to go 17/18 because I had first to finish my apprenticeship and my military time (switzerland, we must).
    I'm not sure yet with with organization I will go, YFU with a Community College or ESL with a "normal" language learning year.

    1. This is a really long time until you'll go but it's so cool that you already know that you want to go abroad and where you want to go:) I heard a lot of good things about YFU but I don't know ESL... Is it an organization from Switzerland?


Thanks for your comment!