Saturday 8 August 2015

first week of school

Today is Friday which means that my first week of school is now over.
My school here in Argentina is really different compared to my school in Germany.
Let's start with the most obvious thing: the uniform.
In Germany it is not common to wear a uniform unlike here in Argentina. Almost every school has a uniform. I don't have my pants yet but I hope that I'll get them soon and then I will show you a picture. 
I always thought German schools aren't strict but now I know it better. Here everyone is so relaxed.
Yesterday there was this street dog running around in our class room and nobody cared... Also you hug some of the teachers when you see them or share mate with them. That would never happen in Germany.
Also the lessons are different. I haven't seen somebody raising his hand in this whole week, which would never happen in my school at home. If they want to say something they just shout it into the class. But to be honest, school here is the most boring thing I've ever experienced... Especially when you don't understand the language it's just sitting there and staring at the watch waiting for the bells to ring.
I hope that will get better with the time... But one thing that German schools should have too is wifi! No, I'm not kidding, there is wifi for the students! Germany, that's how you should do it!
I don't know if it's everywhere like that but in my school you can chose between two kinds of classes. There is the economics class and the science class... Since my host sister is in the science class they put me in there too. I wish they would have asked me because I'm really bad in science and in Germany I only have Biology and Maths because I have to.
Yesterday one teacher asked me if I want to change to economics and to be honest yes I'd like to be in economics but now I start getting to know my class and then it would be hard for me to start all over again because it's really exhausting being new somewhere and you barely know the language...
Lucky me, grades are not that important and maybe I learn some things I'll be able to use when I'm back.
I think that's everything I can tell you about school... If I forgot something I'll tell you in one of my next posts.
Now, I'm going to enjoy my weekend and I hope that I'll get some sleep because I've been tired the whole week.
On Sunday I'll be at my host family for exactly one week, which is really exciting!
I'll talk to you soon!
Take care,

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